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sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Historia de Baboushka en ingles


Baboushka sweeping the floor
Once upon a time, in a small village in Russia there lived a woman called Baboushka.
Baboushka was very house-proud. She had the tidiest house in the village and the most beautiful garden.
She was always cooking and cleaning, scrubbing and sweeping, polishing and painting.

All the villagers were out in the square talking about a bright new star that had just appeared in the sky. Everyone was very excited about the star because it brought great news.
But Baboushka didn't even notice the dazzling star - she was far too busy cleaning her houseThree kings arrived in the village the next day. Their names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
They had heard that Baboushka's house was the nicest in the village and they asked her if they could stay until nightfall. Baboushka was very honoured and she served the kings a great feast.
The three kings told Baboushka that they were on a very special journey.
They were following the star to find a new-born baby king, a holy child called Jesus. They were taking him presents of gold, spices and perfumes.
The three kings asked Baboushka to come with them.
But Baboushka told them that she had too much cleaning to do and she needed to find a gift for the baby as well. She promised to follow them the next day.
All Baboushka could find were some old toys to take to the baby. But the toys were dirty and not fit for a baby king.
So Baboushka polished and cleaned them until they shone. After she had finished she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up it was night time.
Baboushka put on her cloak and set off looking for the three kings.
Everywhere she went she asked if anyone had seen them. She travelled for miles and miles until she reached a poor village called Bethlehem.
She went into the local inn and asked about the kings. The landlord told her that the kings had come to visit a baby that was born in a stable.
But Baboushka was too late, the baby and his family had just left Bethlehem. Baboushka was very sad that she had missed the baby Jesus. She still looks for him all around the world carrying her shiny presentEvery Christmas morning she gives a gift to every little boy and girl that she meets along her way. Have you ever seen her?

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